The Fund

The Problem
The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program (DE-LAP) estimates that between 10 to 15 percent of licensed Delaware Lawyers face "problems that threaten their ability to continue practicing their profession" at any given time.
Equally disturbing is that at least 10% of these attorneys cannot afford necessary treatment programs, outpatient and/or inpatient and/or individual/group therapy. Often by the time an attorney is ready for treatment, he or she has usually hit bottom or has limited funds available for treatment. Many no longer have health insurance coverage or savings and have minimal funds.
Bottom-line, these legal professionals need treatment and cannot afford it. Your help can make the difference between life and death and start a colleague on the road to treatment.
Delaware attorneys are known for their camaraderie and professionalism. We can and should help our fellow Delaware attorneys in their time of greatest need.
Future Solutions Now…..
Your gift can make an important difference to an attorney or judge in crisis. A tax-deductible contribution to The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Fund provides a measure of extra help in the most extreme cases.
Accordingly, your support to The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Fund may well help a fellow member of the Delaware Bar, a former classmate, or a lawyer you care about return to a healthy life.
There are many ways to make a gift to The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Fund. Consider a donation to honor a loved one, perhaps celebrate the recovery of a loved one or friend, or a specific donation-bequeath within your Last Will and Testament. Additionally, you may want to transform a one-time gift into an annual tribute.
The Delaware Lawyers Fund is a charity, a 501c3, and we rely on your support.
Your donation helps us to provide emotional support through in-patient treatment for lawyers and/or Judges in need.  Moreover, the
Benefits of Giving
Pride in your profession.
Helping your colleagues and friends on the road to treatment.
Know that you are supporting an important cause that benefits attorneys, clients, and our profession.
Setting an example for others to follow.

Information on The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Fund is available by calling:
DE-LAP at (302) 777-0124
or e-mailing
CALL: (302) 777-0124 or go to or mail your check today.
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to need and want treatment but, because of financial needs, could not get it?"
The Solution
The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program (DE-LAP), working with the DSBA'S Lawyers Assistance Committee, has formed The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Foundation. Together they have secured support and funding from the Delaware Judiciary, the Delaware State Bar Association, and The Delaware State Bar Insurance Services. The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Foundation is a nonprofit corporation under the management of an elected Board of Directors selected by the Delaware Supreme Court, The DSBA President, The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program, and the DSBA's Lawyers' Assistance Committee.
The foundation's goal is to work with The Delaware Lawyers' Assistance Program (DE-LAP) to ensure lawyers in desperate need receive the financial help necessary to secure treatment by providing loans to members of the legal profession in the State of Delaware. The latter suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental illness and cannot pay for treatment.
CALL: (302) 777-0124
How will funds be used?
Candidates must demonstrate a commitment and an inability to pay for treatment. Funds loaned to qualified candidates will be used to enable timely access to treatment. Payment will be made directly to the treatment care providers. Repayment is mandatory but may be deferred until recipients are on the road to health (recovery).
Why help?
Rarely can people do it alone. They need help.
The law license is the last thing to go when a lawyer has substance abuse/mental health problems.
Too many lawyers in Delaware have been denied access to treatment because they lack the financial means to pay for it.
DONATE TODAY CALL: (302) 777-0124 or mail your check to:
The Delaware Lawyers'
Assistance Program,405 N.
King Street, Suite 100B
Wilmington, DE 19801